Fungi as a Method

What if non-anthropocentric strategies could help us build a healthier future?


Fungi as a Method is an ongoing experimental project. Based on non-human biology strategies from which we extracted creative propositions, the fungi method we are developing proposes new ways to think, perceive and behave on Earth.

Fungi as Method is defined by four biological principles, each depicting a key process or relationship in the fungi's life. We are actively testing this method through series of different workshops. We take participants through a journey exploring four pillars: resource recovery, symbiotic evolution, mutualistic relationships, and topology networks.

As this project is ongoing and refined each time we host a new event, we welcome any collaborations and new ideas. If you are interested in thinking like fungi, contact us!

Why fungi?:

We see in fungi the possibilities of new relationships and systems around our immediate environment. Fungi are ancient living organisms of Earth, breaking down rocks, among other things, to create soil. They have proven to be sustainable as they have lived and thrived throughout geological times.

Fungi co-exist and do not discriminate. Their growth are led through symbiosis with the immediate environment. They might damage, but they also save. They are key in the lifecycle of land.

How could fungi reframe our ways of thinking?

The present world-system is defined by a capitalistanthropocentric mindset. Its cumulative and marketdriven methods have transformed human activities into the cause of biospheric instability, political uncertainty, and ecological collapse.

By challenging the narrative of human centrality, we hope to transcend the limitations that define our current systems and imagine a fungi-driven alternative, made of multispecies stories and practices.

Edition 1: Online workshop with spam emails

Tested at London Circular Economy Week 2021 and London Climate Action Week 2021.

Edition 2: Online workshop with world and food

Tested at Carnival of Crisis 2021.

Interested in commissionning a workshop?

Get in touch!


Alexander Taylor, Barney Kass, Flora Weil, Gribaudi Plytas, Kelly Randall, Léa Silvestrucci, Rebecca Lardeur, and Sepideh Noohi.

Drawings by: Kelly Randall
Miro boards by: Flora Weil and Rebecca Lardeur
Scientific support: Alberto Orgiazzi

Publicly hosted during:

Re:London, ‘London Circular Economy Week 2021’ link to eventbrite, 17.06.2021
E3G, ‘London Climate Action Week 2021’ link to eventbrite, 03.07.2021
University of the Arts London, ‘Carnival of Crisis 2021 link to eventbrite, 08.11.2021
